Thursday, September 22, 2011


Fortuantley for me, I do not use Facebook. I guess the main reason for using Facebook is to keep touch with friends. But to me, Facebook is addicting, and once you start, there is no getting out of it. Facebook addiction causes you to be on Facebook every single moment of your day where you really could be doing something else.  Now isn't that a waste of time? It is also said that indivuals who use Facebook tend to get lower grades than students who don't.  There is also drama on Facebook. Usually, the Facebook drama shows when kids are not acting like themselves.  There is also something called Facebook depression.  People think depression is a distinct connection with the online site.  This in some ways is true to the online site. Another problem is cyberbullying. Young adults have taken thier lives over drama on Facebook. This has happened many times, and it's up to the point where cyberbullying needs to be adressed.  Facebook can be both good and bad. It depends on how you use it. The choice is yours.

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