Wednesday, April 25, 2012

P-2 Junior Year.... An Update

Things have changed since September.  I have some tough classes, but luckily, I am managing my tough schedule.  I have successfully  passed psychology, and I'm doing well in sociology. I am grateful that I'm passing my other classes. the class I am doing the best in is US History. I currently have a 90 average.  Mr. Foss and  Mrs. Damiani have  especially  praised me for all of my hard work. On my last report card, Mr. Foss and Mrs. Damiani  praised me for my serious, thorough work. That makes me feel good.  I went down in English and  slipped in Environmental Science. I have to study for all of my Environmental tests because my test grades have been ridiculously low the last three marking periods.  My goal is to study for all my tests for that class.

As for College Algebra? Well, that's a different story. Let's put it this way, I am not failing that class, but I don't have 100 in that class either.  I currently have a 70 average, but that will go up in the next few weeks. My math teacher is rather generous when it comes to boosting up my average. I do test corrections all the time, and that has really helped my average.  My concentration in math is much better than it was, although I sit near people who talk WAY too much. I learned to ignore them.

Unfortunately, I still tend to procrastinate because of the new schedule. Luckily, I've learned to manage.

I have looked at colleges since September. I have decided to go to ECC  for two years. I have also gotten a job for the summer. I will work at Darien Lake. 

This is an update of my accomplishments for this year.

Monday, April 23, 2012

P-1 Television

We all watch television. In fact, I can't think of a single person who doesn't watch television.

I haven't really counted how many hours I watch television because, for me, it depends on week to week. Some weeks I watch as little as six hours of television. Other weeks, I watch about twenty to thirty hours. (This is especially true over the summer when I have absolutely nothing to do.)

On Mondays, I watch a lot of reality TV. On Tuesdays, I watch Glee. (Glee is a show I wish to give up very soon because I am unhappy with this season. However, I am interested in seeing what will happen next year.) On Wednesdays, I don't watch a whole lot of TV.  I mostly watch reruns of The Bob Newhart Show(Bob's wife, Emily, is so funny. I love her.) and The Mary Tyler Moore Show. (Who doesn't love Mary Tyler Moore?)  On Thursdays, I watch The Big Bang Theory.  It is one of my favorite shows. I just love Leonard Hofstadter. After The Big Bang Theory, I watch Project Runway.  I like seeing the designs on that show.  Fridays is movie day.  It really depends on the type of the movie for me. If it is a comedy, it has to be funny. If it is a musical, the people have to have good singing voices. If it's a drama, it has to be believable. (Last Friday, I watched a comedy. It was really funny.)  Over the weekend, it depends. A weekend of TV for me can be consisted of Bob Newhart and Mary Tyler Moore and movies.  Sometimes, it's jut sitcoms; sometimes just movies. But what's listed above is a typical TV weekend for me.

In my house, there are only two TV's. There is a TV upstairs and a TV downstairs. This can be a problem for my mother who likes to watch something downstairs and tape something upstairs. She complains that she wants  watch both shows at once. I laugh and tell her that she can't be in two places at once.

The positives of watching television is that it gives me something to do. TV can fill up long days of summer where there is nothing else going on. It is also entertaining. TV is better than staring at the wall all day. The negatives of watching television is that you can watch too much without realizing it. Believe me. This has happened a couple times.  Another thing is that TV gets boring after a while.  After a few hours, I get sick of TV ,and I have to turn it off. 

TV is an essential in this world today. I can't argue with that.