Wednesday, February 15, 2012

L-2 Fears

To be honest, there are a lot of things that I am afraid of.  For one thing, I am afraid of my math teacher yelling at me. Since my math class is very animated, I'm afraid to get yelled for not participating in the "fun" and "excitment." My friend Bri and I just sit in our desks. I'm also afraid of getting called on in math class. I'm the first to admit it- I am a bad math student.  I'm absolutley HORRIBLE at math.   That is another reason  why I sit in my desk.  Another thing I'm afraid of is getting murdered.  I have heard many stories about people getting killed because of thier race, sexuality,etc.  I  also heard of someone getting strangled by her ex-boyfriend.  What really scares me is the fact that people might come up to me and assault me. I  am scared of that because  I wouldn't know what to do in a situation like that.   I am also scared of spiders. One time, a spider crawled onto my bed, and I thought it was coming at me.  I am afraid of the smoke alarm in my house going off in the middle of the night. One night last month, the smoke alarm went off in my house at 1:30 am. I woke up when the alarm went off.   The smoke alarm also woke up my dog,who was scared out of his mind. My mom had to calm him down. After that, my mother went back to sleep,but I didn't.  I was paranoid. This was because I was afraid of my house burning down.  I was up until 3am because  I was paranoid.  Those are the things that I am afraid of.

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