Friday, February 17, 2012

L-3 What makes me angry

It's hard to believe but a lot of things make me angry.  One thing that makes me angry is when my parents don't listen to me.  I try to tell them what needs to be changed,but then they role thier eyes and go back to thier old ways.  Another thing that makes me angry is when I struggle in math. It feels like all of the other kids in the class get what is being taught, and it makes me angry when I struggle.   What makes me even angerier is when I struggle the entire class.  Another thing that makes me angry is when I have to work with someone who does absolutley nothing when they're supposed to be doing something. This happened a couple times in Earth Science Lab. I got a few lab partners who were absolute duds.  What's worse is when the duds decide to copy off my paper without asking me. The only problem with that is that both of us get the same grade,and it makes me angry that I'm handing that person my hard-earned grade.  I get angry when I watch movies when the characters are really annoying.  Over the summer, I watched Swiss Family Robinson  again. I wanted to throw a rock at Francis,the youngest son. Sure,it's okay to explore,but REALLY!  You let him walk around the  island unsupervised and then you let him carry a pile of hand grenades.  I also get anrgy when I'm late. I like to be on time. But my mother is always doing "one more thing" and tends to get me out of the house later than I want to.  The last thing that makes me angry is when I mix up certain facts for classes. In Earth Science, I mixed things up all the time. Unfortunatley, I screwed up on tests becasue of this.  This is very hard to belive,but these are all the things that make me angry. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

L-2 Fears

To be honest, there are a lot of things that I am afraid of.  For one thing, I am afraid of my math teacher yelling at me. Since my math class is very animated, I'm afraid to get yelled for not participating in the "fun" and "excitment." My friend Bri and I just sit in our desks. I'm also afraid of getting called on in math class. I'm the first to admit it- I am a bad math student.  I'm absolutley HORRIBLE at math.   That is another reason  why I sit in my desk.  Another thing I'm afraid of is getting murdered.  I have heard many stories about people getting killed because of thier race, sexuality,etc.  I  also heard of someone getting strangled by her ex-boyfriend.  What really scares me is the fact that people might come up to me and assault me. I  am scared of that because  I wouldn't know what to do in a situation like that.   I am also scared of spiders. One time, a spider crawled onto my bed, and I thought it was coming at me.  I am afraid of the smoke alarm in my house going off in the middle of the night. One night last month, the smoke alarm went off in my house at 1:30 am. I woke up when the alarm went off.   The smoke alarm also woke up my dog,who was scared out of his mind. My mom had to calm him down. After that, my mother went back to sleep,but I didn't.  I was paranoid. This was because I was afraid of my house burning down.  I was up until 3am because  I was paranoid.  Those are the things that I am afraid of.

Monday, February 13, 2012

L-1 Greatest Super Bowl Memory

The greatest super bowl memory had to be last year, when Green Bay and the Steelers went head to head to win the biggest championship in professional football.  I was with my family.  We were eating cake in front of the TV when Christina Aguilera  messed up on the national anthem.  I know this sounds mean,but I actually LAUGHED when she messed up.   I kid you not. Christina's mess up was hilarious to me.  The other members of my family  had similar reactions.  My sister was laughing louder than me.  My father said ,"She messed up because she tried to make the National Anthem her own. That's what happens."  My mother said "Oh well." The game started. That game was actually rather exciting.  I had my eyes set for Green Bay to win. I could care less about the Steelers winning. The second quarter was over, and it was time for the half time show. The band sechuled to perform that year were The Black Eyed Peas. Let me tell you that thier act was terrible.  The whole thing was done with elctrical pedals and sytheziers. Usher came in at one point,and I have to admit he stole the show.  That was the WORST halftime show I ever saw.   The game ended with Green Bay winning the championship.  What a night that was!
The laughs continued in advisement the next day. Joe Labuzetta, Wes Labar, Aaron Lista, and Adam Mack were talking about the Superbowl half time show. (Adm was still in Alden at the time.).  Adam told the advisement about  the comments he saw on Facebook.  Nobody said the show was really good, a few people said the show was okay,everyone else thought the show was terrible.  One of the comments said "The Black Eyed Peas were okay,but what was with that random dude with long hair."  I had to laugh. Adam was making  throwing comedy in The Black Eyed Peas performance.
That was my superbowl memory.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

K-4 He has it all

e has it all. This is  very simple to say unless you know Mr. Jack Lord personally.  You really wouldn't know Jack's life was a struggle until you really knew how hard he worked. Jack was born in Omaha, Nebraska many years ago. He grew up with his twin sister Marie and his older brothers, Robbie and Jeff.  Jack was a very bright kid. He was taught to be book smart,not street smart. He impressed his mother. He even impressed his sister, Marie. But Robbie and Jeff weren't impressed with their younger brother. They thought Jack was a wimp because he didn't know how to defend himself.  Jack wen on to a private high school, away from his brothers and sister.  He was involved in the yearbook club and the drama club. Then he went on to Fredonia. One day, a talent agent spotted Jack in a performance of Cat on a Hot tin roof.  The scout asked Jack to star in the movie opposite Amelia Freeman.  Jack then succeeded to a show called Man of the West.  Jack liked the show and was disappointed when the show was cancelled after one season.  Years after the cancellation,. Jack struggled to find work until a job came for a part in the new Hawaii cop show Honolulu 187. This role led Jack to fame.  During the show, Jack moved to Hawaii.  One night Jack went to bed in his new Hawaii home and realized he has it all.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

K-3 Carol Anne and the Bird

It was summertime.  Mrs. Freeling  and her two daughters, Heather and Carol Anne, moved into a house by the lake.  Heather didn't like the idea of moving because she didn't want to leave her friends behind. Carol Anne, however, was a different story.  Carol Anne is what the average person would call different.  She was not like the other children. She was very shy.  The other children either made fun of her or didn't notice her at all. She wanted to move because she wanted a chance to start over.
Once Mrs. Freeling got into the house, she let each daughter pick out thier room. Carol Anne chose the room with interesting  wallpaper.  The wallpaper had vines and birds. Carol Anne had little doubt about this room. She felt right at home. 
That night, Carol Anne went to bed. She noticed a bird on the wall. Carol Anne got up and gave the bird some food. Then the bird retreated to the wall. 
The next morning, Mrs. Freeling and Heather say the bird on the wall. Heather liked the bird.  Mrs. Freeling had a different opinoin. She wanted the bird out of the house. Mrs. Freeling opened the window. The cool breeze flew into Carol Anne's room. 
"Get rid of the bird." was all her mother said. But the bird didn't want to leave the house. And Carol Anne didn't want to get rid of the bird. The bird was harmless. And it liked Carol Anne a lot.
Her mother agreed to keep the bird as long as it made her daughter happy. The move actually made Carol Anne happy. Carol Anne liked living with her mom, Heather, and her feathered friend.


K-2 Mr. Hobbs

It was late one evening when Mr. Hobbs came home from work. Mr. Hobbs was stressed  This was because his day at work was a rather bad one.   Everywhere he turned, things went wrong. 
Mr. Hobbs came home in a bad mood because his day at work was really bad.   Mr. Hobbs was in such a bad mood that he pushed his cat,Tigger, away. Tigger didn't want to see his owner so distressed. So he fled to the bedroom.
Mr. Hobbs thought tea would make him feel better. So he made a nice cup of tea. But the tea didn't do anything for him.  Mr. Hobbs thought about watching  TV. So he turned on the TV and watched the worst show ever- All in the Family. That show to Mr. Hobbs is very agarivating. All the characters do is complain about thier personal  problems. That was annoying.  Mr. Hobbs got some dynamite from under the couch and blew up the TV.
This made Mr. Hobbs even more stressed.  He knocked over the side table, which resulted the lamp to move. The lamp landed on its side,however. This made Mr. Hobbs mad.  He wanted to break the lamp.
Mr. Hobbs was beyond his breaking point.  He grabbed a chair from the kitchen table and put it over his head.  Mr. Hobbs screamed so loud that he woke up the cat. Tigger started meowing loudly. Once again, Mr. Hobbs pushed Tigger away. Then he screamed again. 
We'll never know what knd of mood Mr. Hobbs will be in. We'll also never know what he will do in the mood he's in.
